Friday, September 20, 2024

DOWN BY THE RIVER CAMPGROUND, Pineola, NC.  We actually have something of note to share for a change.  Yesterday, Thursday, September 19th, we drove up to Bristol, VA to visit with friends from our the early days in St Augustine when they were fellow members of Covenant OPC.  These were the first of our close friends to move away and, if you look on this blog for prior years, you will see recorded other times we have visited them up there.  It was fortunate this year that we were much closer to Bristol, VA than in prior visits.

We visited the Kozielskis in their nice new home (see photos below), where most of our short visit was set.  They also drove us to a nice seafood restaurant where we had lunch together.  

Felix and Kathy Kozielski with Betty

Kathy Next Took This Shot Including Me

Due to schedule conflicts, we had limited time to visit with the Rohrbauchs, other friends from Covenant OPC.  We foolishly even forgot to take some recent photos of them to include here.  

Today and tomorrow will be laundry and other housekeeping days, along with any sightseeing we might be able to fit in.  It has been a somewhat unusual year, in that noteworthy items to include here have been limited.  

Stay tuned for our travels in October, when we fly to Europe for a Viking Cruise.