DEVILS TOWER, WY. Wagonmaster had us leave early (7:45 am), which was a challenge for us night owls. We traveled as a group in tandam (about 100 yards apart). He narrated the journey on his radio, since we all have been provided maritime radios to follow the narration. After 50 miles he had us stop at a rest stop for 30 minutes. Very low stress tour. We arrived here at Devils Tower KOA around 11:30 pm. Short trip.
We are back in an "out west" environment again, dry and dust-covered. Lots of flying insects, particularly house flies.
This afternoon is the only time slated to see Devils Tower, since we are scheduled tomorrow to visit a buffalo jump at 9:00 am. The asst wagonmaster asked me to lead a devotional tomorrow at 8:00 am before we leave. He mentioned that many on the tour complained about the lack of available church services on Sunday mornings. This tour has a lot of church-going people, unlike last year's tour.
The line of cars -- and many motorcycles from the Sturgis rally -- waiting to enter the Devils Tower National Monument moves slowly because the one ranger at the tiny station needs time to process credit cards, pass out maps, and answer questions from people who come from around the world. I wish they had a separate line for Americans with senior passes.
Betty and I walked the path around the tower. It is a challenge in the heat, since the path climbs and drops many feet in elevation. This goes on for a winding 1.3 miles. The tower is surrounded with large boulders seemingly randomly scattered. More than 20 indigenous tribes consider these grounds sacred, leaving prayer cloths hanging, much as the Hindus of Nepal do. The Asian origin of these tribes is evident.
As You Enter, Boulders Surround the Tower |
And You Walk Between the Boulders |
Eventually Trees Appear |
Until You Are in a Forest |
And the Trail Goes Up and Up . . . |
... Then It Goes Down and Down ... Then Repeats ...
After 1.3 miles of this, you are done and return to the RV park.
Hazy View of Devils Tower in Background |
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