Tuesday, June 12, 2018

AS WE PREPARE TO DEPART ON OUR NEXT RV TRIP, we are mindful that we shall have left here this year by the time we were only preparing to leave last year.  If you look back at late July last year in this blog, you will see that we posted a USA map with the outline of our future trip highlighted in green.  This year, we leave in mid-July and travel until mid-November, four months altogether.  As we learn more about RVing, we become more ambitious.

Once again we incorporate an RV tour into our overall trip.  Last year we were part of a tour that began in Nevada just outside Death Valley (130 degrees).  This year we shall head northwest toward a tour of the Northwest USA, beginning near Mount Rushmore, then proceeding to national parks and other scenic locations in that part of the country.

After the tour ends, we shall travel eastward along the southern edge of the Great Lakes, stopping to visit Betty's relatives near Chicago, then stopping at Niagara Falls, Rochester NY to see the George Eastman Museum, a Fall Colors Tiffin rally in Vermont, Bar Harbor, Maine and Acadia National Park, and Gettysburg.  After that, we shall visit some of my relatives in Virginia, then to Williamsburg, followed by showing Betty my hometown on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.  After that it is down to the Outer Banks of North Carolina and on home down the east coast.

The snapshot of this trip is shown below.  I used the same green highlighting that I used last year for consistency.

2018 4-Month RV Trip Itinerary Map