Thursday, August 10, 2017

This morning we discovered why the air conditioners were performing so poorly yesterday as we got around to cleaning the AC filters, all dozen of them that are placed across the ceiling of the motorhome.  Somehow that task had not made it onto our many task lists, so they were in bad need of cleaning.  The AC units work MUCH better now.

Arrived safely in Denham Springs, Louisiana near Baton Rouge.  The ride on I-10 and I-12 had on-and-off rain again, this time with some strong wind gusts.  Traffic was heavy as we neared Baton Rouge, and a bad accident had a miles-long line of traffic on the other side of the interstate.  Fortunately we were clear of all that.  We got a pull-through site at the KOA RV park, but one of the shortest I have seen.  We had to pull all the way up to the exit road, and the Jeep dinghy was still nearly out in the entry road.  We unhitched the Jeep and parked it beside the motorhome, so all is well.  We usually like to keep it hitched behind the motorhome if not needed before the next departure.  The hookups were far to the entry road side, so extra length of hookup cord and hose were required.

We did take time to stop off at the Infinity Space Center in Mississippi near the state border with Louisiana.  It was nice to have the extra time to experience an unplanned adventure.  The center has outdoor exhibits and a two-story building of exhibits indoors.  The intricacy of the machinery designs of the individual motors as well as the combination of complexity that had to be coordinated for a successful lift-off with enormous power and danger was awe-inspiring.  So much went into the space program, and now we hear so little about any of it.

Booster Rocket Stage with Several Engines

Intricacy of Each Engine

View of Space Center First Floor from Second Floor

After getting set up at the KOA, David Jenkins, my nephew, and his two sons arrived to take Betty and me to dinner, where we were served far more seafood than anyone could possibly eat.  Tomorrow we shall go on an air boat ride.  Stay tuned . . . 

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