Tuesday, March 12, 2019

PERRY, GA (Day 2).  Betty performed famously today in her driving on various roads, including I-75.  She drove like a pro, very confident in all aspects.  The instructor was quite impressed and wondered why she signed up for driving instruction.  I wondered why she had not driven like that before now.  It is all a matter of confidence, and she seems to have mastered her fears.

 As we came back to the fairgrounds, now that we no longer needed the temporary location we had during the driving school, we had to find our new parking location within the maze of 3,000 motorhomes parked very closely together.  Clearly the volunteers helping us were overwhelmed, with many of them not knowing where all the parking locations were.  We were given incorrect information, resulting in our following someone to the wrong place.  Then we were told that we were in one place but that did not correspond to what the signs said.  Once we finally were parked, we assumed that the eventual address we had been given was correct and went shopping in town.  Upon our return, we drove through a huge maze seeking the address we had been given, but did not find our motorhome.  We drove and drove through acres of motorhomes without finding ours.  Eventually we found it in a lot with a different number from the one we had been given.  Now we know not to believe anything they tell us, but drive to the lot and street markers at the end of the lots to see for ourselves.  Actually hard to explain what it is like to be parked on a large grassy area converted into a neighborhood with temporary street signs stuck into the ground within lots marked by other temporary signs.  We think we can find our way back again tomorrow.

There was no time to take a photo today, but how I could capture all this in a photo I do not know.  They are going to take an aerial photo, which should look like 3,000 dots on a page.  Don't think that would be very helpful.

The very large and expensive motorhome that was parked beside us last night got stuck in the mud from all the rain.  As we returned from Betty's driving, we saw a large front end loader pulling it out with a chain.  Made the whole scene seem like a circus.  Its wheels were still spinning and throwing mud as it was being dragged out.  Every other rally we have been to was far smaller and better organized.  I think they have undertaken more than they can handle.

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