Friday, June 14, 2019

COOS BAY, OR.  We have been following, first, the California Coastal Scenic Biway or Highway or Freeway, then into Oregon, it has been the Oregon Coastal Scenic Biway, all of which led me to believe it was a state road.  Hence, in prior posts I put CA or OR as a prefix, when actually it was always US101, a federal highway.  I went back and corrected prior posts.

US101 in Oregon is not as hilly or twisting as it was in Northern California, but one must add horrific winds off the ocean in Oregon.  The large trees on the right side of the road at times looked like a twister was scrambling them.  Worst winds of the trip, but the motorhome handled it quite well.  Nice to have a 35,000 pound diesel chassis.  Views of the coast were sometimes magnificent, but mostly it was 1/4 mile of water absorbed into fog farther out.

Oregon Coast Today
The trip today once again was slow due to the nature of the road, making speeds much slower than one has on an interstate highway.  Tomorrow we take US101 up until Route 38 eastward to I-5.  Then it will be all interstate highway.  Never been on I-5 before, but hope it will be an improvement over the last few days along the coast. 

We travel to Vancouver, WA for the weekend.  It will be another long drive, another example of my planning off a map and being unfamiliar with the roads here.  One thing we gained leaving the state of California, besides being surrounded by civil drivers for a change, was good Verison coverage and WIFI.  Very interesting that the state that includes Silicon Valley and the birthplace of so much technical prowess, is so stingy with cell phone coverage and WIFI.  The RV parks there were the only place in the country that parcels out WIFI in megabyte packages, after which you must pay for it.  It is simply included free everywhere else.

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