Thursday, August 5, 2021

 ST AUGUSTINE, FL.  We are home.  Arrived here around 3:50 pm EDT.  Raining hard here, just as it did so much of our trip.  Good to have good WIFI again, something we take for granted while home.

We arrived home to a steamy, wet, and sultry environment.  Glasses fog up.  Even inside the garage feels steamy.  For some reason the air handler in the garage is leaking water, creating a large pool that soaks all things around it.  Even the mini split AC in the lanai is dripping water.  We have calls in for both to be repaired.

The yard had grown many weeds, and the flower beds that I had cleared out before leaving again have serious weeds.  Our year-old cedar tree died somehow during the month we were away.  Not a nice homecoming.  It is easy to see why sunbirds stay away until November, but we had to come back early to prepare for our Iceland trip beginning on Aug 18th.


  1. Glad you made it home and had a safe trip. I hear the Creek Fire RV Resort just down the road from where you stayed in Savannah is newer and may have better WiFi. Worth a try next time. Sounds like your drain lines are clogged on the A/C units, and the poor cedar tree probably got root rot from all the rain we've been having. Enjoy your break before Iceland. That should be a nice trip.

  2. Thank you, but we still do not know who you are?
