Tuesday, August 22, 2017

This morning we refueled at the station on the premises of the RV park on Meteor Crater Road in preparation for our drive to Cottonwood, AZ.  In the photo below, look to the far right to the expanse of land seen there.  That is a 350,000 acre ranch owned by the family that owns the rights to the crater and set up a foundation to run it long ago.

Yesterday we drove the winding road about 6 miles in that direction to arrive at the building along the rim of the crater.  After paying admission ($14 for senior rate minus $2 discount for being at the RV park), you see a high quality movie simulating what must have happened when a fragment from an asteroid hit the earth, causing an explosion that disintegrated the fragment into many pieces and leaving a giant hole.  Then they take you on a hike along the rim of the crater, give you a lecture, and allow you to take photos.  Only scientists are allowed to descend into the crater.  I was relieved.  I was a bit tuckered out from the prior day's adventures.

To the right is the ranch through which you drive 6 miles to arrive at the meteor crater.
In lower left is foundation complex and trail leading to crater rim.

At right is the trail we walked, heard a lecture, and took photos.

Largest fragment of meteorite ever found.

Later today we arrived safely in Cottonwood, AZ at the Turquoise Triangle RV Park.  This is a park mostly populated with permanent tenants, both RVs and mobile homes.  A little run down but quiet, shady, and low cost.  The management are very friendly and helpful.

Our slot at the Turquoise Triangle RV Park in Cottonwood, AZ

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